Our seed-to-shop cotton


THe re-wrap way of trading cotton

re-wrap transforms the lives of farmers and artisans by guiding the process from start to finish.

Cotton is a huge business, and trading often involves many brokers and middle-men. Small-scale farmers traditionally have little access to accurate market pricing and are often paid less than it costs for them to produce the crop. re-wrap trades directly with the farmers, ensuring they receive an income that they can build from. We pay a premium on top of the market price. By partnering with re-wrap, our farmers receive security and the ability to plan for the future, all without harming the environment.

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We support farmers to produce GOTS certified, 100% organic cotton. Sewing organic seeds and using organic manure, the cotton our farmers produce eliminates the use of harmful pesticides and fertilisers that can affect people and the environment.

By converting to organic, our partner farmers replace expensive genetically modified seeds, fertilisers and pesticides with lower cost and environmentally friendly alternatives. Small-scale farmers in India often struggle with debt, which can lead to devastating stress. re-wrap’s partnership offers pre-financing to the farmers, so they don’t need to use high-interest money lenders. This credit is hugely powerful in giving them control over their crop, but also their lives.


Working with organic materials is better for the health of communities. Our partner farmers have reported a decrease in miscarried pregnancies and increased school attendance of children since converting in organic farming methods.

The farmers can expand to grow crops such as chia seeds, millets, lentils, chillies and vegetables as part of their organic farming cycle, which can be sold or provide more food security for the community.

And let’s not forget what organic farming does for the environment. By eliminating the use of manufactured fertilisers and pesticides, organic cotton growing produces up to 94%* fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Organic practices turn soils into a carbon ‘sink’, removing CO2 from the atmosphere. This also improves the soil health in the long term.

*Source: The Soil Association